Sliding Doors Glass

Sliding Doors Glass

Sliding Doors Glass by Euro-Wall Systems

Sliding Doors Glass

Euro-Wall’s sliding doors glass reset the industry expectations for sliding doors. That sounds like a lot of hyperbole…but let’s take a look at the technical specifications of the Florida sliding doors and let you decide for yourself.

Pushing the Limits of what Sliding Doors Glass can do for You

The glass sliding doors offered by Euro-Wall systems can span as large as 8’ wide, can reach 12’ tall heights outside of Florida and can reach heights of 10’ inside of Florida. Sliding doors glass built for impact areas are all Florida Product Approved and HVHZ Approved making them the largest sliding glass panels available in the industry. You can read more about our maximum / minimum specifications at our main sliding doors glass product page.

The interlock (the sight line where panels meet when they are closed) has the slimmest profile available on the impact market at less than 1”.

Why Should You Care?

All of these technical features offered by Euro-Wall equate to more glass and less metal. More glass and less metal means larger uninterrupted views. But how does larger panels result in less metal and more glass? Because Euro-Wall sliding door panels can be built larger than any other competitor we can span large openings with fewer panels. Fewer panels means less metal interrupting your view.

Another benefit of the Euro-Wall sliding glass doors is the concept of seamless transitions from interior to exterior spaces. The sliding door glass sills can be fully embedded flush with the finish floor. Other competitors require a sill riser for water management creating a barrier to step over in the threshold. Flush threshold provides a truly seamless transition from inside to outside.

Continuing on the theme of seamless transitions, the less than 1” slim profile interlock provides a “barely there” aesthetic letting the outside view in. And we already mentioned it, but the less than 1” interlock is the slimmest interlock available on the impact market. You can read more about our slim profile interlocks by reading our product brochure.

Flexibility in Design

Not only does our Florida sliding doors provide maximum view they also provide maximum design flexibility. Because we can span larger, wider and with more panel configuration options the design limitation ceiling is raised for homeowners, builders, architects, designer and the like.

Hopefully now you can see that the facts fulfill the promise that Euro-Wall’s Florida sliding doors are setting new expectations when it comes to sliding doors. If you are interested in learning more about our sliding doors glass check out our product page or contact us today.


In a Nutshell